“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." – As W. B. Yeats never said

I am Greg Ashman, an Australian teacher, blogger, writer (here, here and here) and podcaster (here). I have had enough of the misinformation that is constantly propagated about education and teaching and this is my small attempt to do something about it.

I used to write op-eds for newspapers and publications such as Quillette. Although I don’t rule out future writing of this kind, these days, I am mostly blogging here on Substack. I also have extensive archives, including links to video of me speaking, over on my WordPress site - just mind those pesky ads.

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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." – As W. B. Yeats never said


I am a teacher, a writer, a blogger, some time podcaster and have a PhD in instructional design.